DataLife Engine / Far East’s largest Aqua Park 35% completed

Far East’s largest Aqua Park 35% completed

“Currently, construction of the building is underway and, in April, we will begin its glazing. We are completing construction of a boiler house and water treatment plant. In summer, we will embark on the landscaping. Readiness of the facility for today is 35%. The facility is scheduled to be put in operation for December 2018, but as early as next summer we will set to performance trials,” Reznitsky said.

“This will be the most advanced and the largest health and water complex in the Far East,” he added.

The project is estimated at more than 3.2 billion rubles and will be financed from both the regional budget and the contractor’s fund. The area of the facility amounts to 38,000 square meters.

11-04-2017, 15:47
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