The MSCU National Research University has completed assessment standards for expertise, experience and business reputations of construction companies.
This was announced on September 28th on the official website of the University. The scientific research work on expertise was carried out by referring to national standards of the voluntary application GOST R 56002-2014 “Construction organization experience and business reputation assessment” and GOST R 66.0.01-2015 “Business subject experience and business reputation assessment and the national system of standards, background, requirements and regulations”. These standards were developed by the members of the technical committee, adopted and then put to practice. The standards are directed towards the formalization of approaches to a business entity’s experience and business reputation assessment in order to assign a numerical value.
Independent public assessment of the business reputation of the companies is an efficient tool for competition development and is aimed at gaining an advantage in determining the contractor within Federal Law ? 44 and in choosing a construction company for private business project implementation.
“In the result of the analysis, it is stated that the methodology of factor assessment chosen by the developers fits the standards development aims, and is objective and verifiable”, it is said on the site. The expert conclusion has been sent to Technical Commission 066.