The Russian – Asian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs held a conference, ‘Innovation solutions for the LED industry - prospects for trade-investment cooperation between the RF and PRC’, in Moscow on November 10th.
As the Union’s press office told, representatives from the Shenzhen Committee on trade, economy and IT and from the Shenzhen LED Industry Association also took part in the conference. “We are aiming for the creation of joint ventures and increases in investments in the economies of both countries. We want our Chinese partners to enter Russian projects, and Russian entrepreneurs to develop new opportunities with Chinese producers”, the President of RAUIE, Vitaly Monkevich, said.
“There is no company in Russia dealing with chip production and crystal growing for LEDs. We want to build such a full-cycle enterprise in Tomsk and we think that we’ll be able to launch our production onto the market in 2017. We have a guaranteed market for the next five years, ie all enterprises of ‘Rostechnologies’. We are interested in cooperating with our Chinese colleagues as far as investments and equipment deliveries are concerned”, a representative from ‘Roselectronics’, Jean Prosianov, explained.
The head of the Shenzhen LED Industry Association, Sui Shiron, is also interested in the ‘Roselectronics’ initiative and “is ready to provide equipment and to consider other investment opportunities for the project”.