The real amount of housing in Russia to be commissioned this year will compare with the figures for 2014-2015. This is what the Head of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade for Russia, Alexey Ulyukaev, said at a parliamentary session in Moscow.
The Minister assured those present that additional 16 bln roubles will be allocated in 2016 for the program, supporting housing construction.
Unlike other industries, there is 100-percent localization of the production. That is why state support is the most correct and effective method to promote economic development.
Thus, last year the volume of new housing supply didn’t fall and in fact reached 84m m2. The reason for this is the implementation of the subsidy mortgage program and the existing mechanism of the developers’ credit. At present, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade for Russia, jointly with the Ministry of Construction, are elaborating the risk pooling system.