The Chinese to sign contract on bridge construction across Amur River

The Chinese to sign contract on bridge construction across Amur River
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A governmental delegation from the Amur region has headed for Harbin to hold negotiations with their Chinese partners on the subject of bridge construction across the Amur River, from the Russian city of Blagoveschensk to Heihe in China.

The parties intend to sign a concession agreement and a credit contract in May or June this year, the regional government press office told on Monday.

Within the course of the negotiations, the partners will discuss the conditions of the building contract and the supervision of the contract. The conditions of the river crossing junction are also to be specified.

The construction of a bridge across the Amur River will start from the two banks. A joint commission has been created for this purposes and a subsidiary will be set up in Blagoveschensk, which will become the project’s operator on the Russians’ part.

The subsidiary will be engaged in gathering the required permit documentation, exercising technical control and construction quality control, and undergoing commissioning procedures.

