On the 11th of May, at a session of the Public Council of the Construction, Utilities and Housing Ministry of Russia, the results of work for the period of 2015 were summed up. The meeting was chaired by Sergei Stepashin.
The first Deputy Minister of Construction, Leonid Stavitskiy, took part in the session, the Ministry’s press office told Construction.ru. The official stressed that the Council’s members carried out much professional work in 2015.
“The mechanism of the Public Council’s activity allow us to deal with a whole range of challenges to the industry. Competent personnel work in the Council’s commissions, and they understand the tasks and the methods to solve them”, emphasized the first Deputy Minister.
He also announced the main results of the Council’s activity for 2015.
Sergei Stepashin said that the Public Council’s program of work for 2015 proceeded from the necessity of considering the most crucial issues of the industry, as well as the government’s demands.
Within the framework of the session, the institutes and bodies supervised by the Construction Ministry presented their reports.
In 2015 the Fund for Utility and Housing Service Reforms paid most attention to addressing the challenges of unfit housing elimination. In order to solve this problem, 80 regions in Russia asked the Fund to render financial support.
According to the report of the Agency for Mortgage Housing Credit, abbreviated to “AIZhK”, JSC, its main tasks included the development of the primary and secondary markets of mortgage housing credit.