It wasn’t a sort of decision that expected Lithuania – the main opponent of Belarussian nuclear power plant construction, when deputy director general of the European Commission, Gerassimos Thomas, announced that the visit of the Commission’s delegation to Belarus over NPP issue was carried out in a transparent environment.
The European Commission’s delegates visited Belarus from the 19th to the 20th of September. The parties discussed a number of issues related to implementation of a project for construction of the first nuclear power plant in Ostrovets. The Commission’s representatives held a meeting with the Energy Minister of Belarus.
European guests also had an opportunity to inspect NPP construction site. The key subject concerned stress testing checking NPP’s risks and security.
According to the delegation’s representative, the Commission received all required data on the project from the Energy Ministry, which acts as a regulator and a commissioner of the construction.
The visit was carried out in a transparent environment, noted Gerassimos Thomas.