Russian representative elected Vice-president of the UN Conference on housing

Russian representative elected Vice-president of the UN Conference on housing
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Russian Deputy Minister of Construction, Housing and Utilities, Andrei Chibis, was elected Vice-president of the Habitat III UN Conference on housing and sustainable development.

As Construction.Ru has been told by the Ministry’s press office today, Andrei Chibis will be responsible for the Conference's East-European field of concern.

"Russia has much to be proud of in the sphere of cities development: we have started the program of updating housing and communal infrastructure at the expense of private investments during the last three years. I am sure that other countries have interesting cases which might be of use for the participants of the Conference", — he said after the election.

To remind you, the Un Conference on housing takes place once in 20 years. It is a discussion platform of the world community, more than 146 countries take part in it. Since the Habitat in 1976 году in Vancouver, the urban population of the planet has grown from 37.9% to 54.5%.

In the result of the current forum a new urban agenda is to be adopted. It will become a road map for the solution of cities and towns’ development problems and provision urban population with comfortable and high-quality housing for the coming 20 years.

