Another 5,5-hectare land plot allotted to World Cup infrastructure in Yekaterinburg

Another 5,5-hectare land plot allotted to World Cup infrastructure in Yekaterinburg
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The authorities of the Sverdlovsk region in Russia allotted seven plots of land with a total area of 5,5 hectares to the Directorate of Capital Construction of the city of Yekaterinburg.

The land was provided for permanent use. As Construction.RU was told by the Directorate’s press office, all seven plots of land are located in the vicinity of the Central stadium.

This is where the infrastructure by World Cup 2018 will be built. For this purpose, a space of the land plot has to be expanded up to 46,6 hectares by means of the usage of the territories adjacent to the stadium.

Apart from that, construction, reconstruction, exploitation and improvement of elements of the street and road network are planned to be carried out within the framework of the development of Yekaterinburg by 2025.

