Construction of new gas pipeline starts in Omsk region

Construction of new gas pipeline starts in Omsk region
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Today, construction of a gas pipeline with the length of 28 kilometers began in Prishib village located in the Azov district of the Omsk region, Russia.

As Construction.RU was informed on Monday by the regional press center, the project’s implementation will allow to gazify the villages of Prishib, Serebropolye, Rosa Dolina, Tsvetnopolye and Alexandrovka as early as 2017.

Thus, the residents of more than 1,000 houses and apartments will receive gas.

The project of intervillage gas pipeline was developed in 2015, last year design specifications and estimates was elaborated and now the construction starts.

The works are being executed within the framework of a plan for gasification of municipal districts of the Omsk region.

