New code of practice in high rise construction came into effect

New code of practice in high rise construction came into effect
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The new rules and regulations in the sphere of high rise construction came into force in Russia. The new code of practice was developed by the Federal Centre for normalization, standardization and engineering estimate in construction under the RF Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities.

The new requirements to high rise designing will provide for the decrease of project error probability and for practical fulfillment of the technical regulation on buildings security.

The new code of practice “ High-risers engineering systems” covers the designing of engineering systems in the 55-meter-high newbuilt public buildings and those under reconstruction, and 75-meter-high residential buildings. The rules set by the document will provide for the complex security of the buildings, enhance their energy efficiency and reduce the discharge of non-renewable resources in the course of construction and operation.

Before the new rules were adopted, project-specific technical specifications had had to be developed and validated which made the process of construction slower. In 2017, the code of practice on fire security requirements will also be developed.

