All permits for construction of the first two parts of Turkish Stream pipeline running from Russia have been received, at present, the Russian party is working to obtain permits for the remaining one-third on the Turkish coast, Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak told reporters.
The length of the route amounts to 900 km, including 660 km of northern part of the route developed within the framework of South Stream project that was announced prior to Turkish one.
“All permissions with regards to the first string of the offshore section of up to the 660th kilometer have been granted and confirmed by the Turkish party, the work is already underway, and from mid-2017 the pipeline laying will start. The contract with a company engaged in the construction has been concluded,” - the Russian Minister said.
Gas pipeline system will run under the Black Sea from Russia (from “Russkaya” compressor station in the Krasnodar region) to the receiving terminal on the coast of Turkey and will consist of two lines with a total maximum design capacity of 31.5 billion cubic meters of gas per year and 15.75 billion cubic meters of gas per year respectively. Commissioning of both lines is scheduled for until the 30th of December 2019. The length of the offshore section of the project will amount to about 920 km, while the transit offshore line will be about 200 km.