Why cleaning items wheels again came to the attention Mosgosstrojnadzora

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Why cleaning items wheels again came to the attention Mosgosstrojnadzora
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Since the beginning of this year Mosgosstroynadzor thwarted 30 points disruptions cleaning wheels

Today Stroitelstvu.RU told the press service of the Committee, from January 1 to February 28, 2015 Mosgosstrojnadzora, OATI and traffic police Moscow police identified and suppressed in violation of paragraphs cleaning the wheels of vehicles. During the inspection of more than 2,200 construction projects are identified and prevented violations at 30 sites (21.2% less than the same period of 2014), including: purification center wheel is not involved - 20 cases; removal of dirt (soil) on the roadway of the city - 9; poor maintenance of unpaved - 1.

For all the facts of violations issued 43 orders, 42 formalized protocol on administrative violations on officials and legal entities in the total amount of fines 7.36 million. Rubles. At all sites of work shall be suspended until the elimination of violations, 5 objects violations were corrected during the inspection. Currently, all violations are eliminated.


