During the first quarter of 2018, dozens of new building materials received technical approvals from Russian Ministry of Construction and Housing, the department’s press office told Construction.RU on Monday.
The document specifies that during this period, the Construction Ministry has evaluated the suitability of more than 50 new types of building materials. In total, over the past 4 years, the department has issued over 1,000 technical approvals for new materials for their use in the industry.
According to Construction Minister of Russia, Mikhail Men, the following building materials are the most frequently approved: construction mixes, facade systems, heat-insulating and varnish-and-paint materials, as well as various types of fasteners.
The head of the Ministry added that any new materials and structures, whether of domestic production or imported, must undergo a procedure of approval for their suitability for the use in Russia. And only then they can be applied in the construction.