About 13% of companies managing apartment buildings have not passed the licensing process. As specified in Construction.ru from the press service of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities of Russia today, the head of the department, Mikhail Menn, said to journalists, "More than 12 thousand management companies declared their intention to obtain the license, but only 11 thousand have received one. About 13 percent have left the market, but the houses which they operated won't remain ‘ownerless’ ".Since May 1st in Russia, licensing of management companies (MC) has been obligatory: none of them has the right to operate an apartment house if they don't obtain the license.The minister emphasized that, during the transition period until the inhabitants of a house decide on a new management company, the municipality will appoint a managing organization for each such house."The residents will have time to choose a new form of ‘government’, for example, a housing cooperative or a new management company. For this purpose, they will have to gather and express their opinion. If they don't do this, the municipality should make the decision", Mikhail Menn noted.In the transition period, citizens will be informed as to which management company will take on their house. They, in addition, can check this information on the website of the local state housing inspectorate.