Who will supply products for Armstrong soffit slab in Russia?

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Who will supply products for Armstrong soffit slab in Russia?
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Tatarstan. Our special correspondent, Alexey Nevsky.

In the SEZ (Special Economic Zone) of "Alabuga" in Tatarstan, Armstrong World Industries has built and launched their new 20 million sq.m. plant for suspended soffit slabs in under a year. In an exclusive interview with our correspondent, the plant manager, Alexey Evdokimov, said that soffit slabs from mineral fiber from the American company ARMSTRONG, which are produced at the plant, are made from ecologically clean raw materials of Russian origin. In particular, the director specified clay, perlite, cellulose, and starch. The mineral wool used in production upon which special requirements for quality have been imposed will also be Russian but with German roots. Its manufacturer, Knauf Insulation, is setting up in the Moscow region, said the director.
Thus the majority of material for the production of soffit slab will be Russian, which satisfies the import substitution program of the Russian Federation. An exception here is paint for soffits, which isn't made in Russia yet.

