The president of the RF signed the law introducing administrative responsibility for hiring foreign labor according to professions other than that which is indicated in their labor permit.
The text of the document is published on the official web-site for legal information. The fee for citizens will be 2,000—5,000 rubles, for officials it will be 25,000—50,000 rubles, and for corporate bodies — 250,000—800,000 rubles. Also fines from 2 to 5 thousand rubles and administrative deportation from the RF are introduced for foreigners if they work by a profession other than that which is marked in their permit on the territory of the RF.
Also the Federal law “On legal status of foreign citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation” is amended. If a person alters the name or family name or particulars of the identity document on the territory of the RF, a foreigner must address the Federal migration service department within 7 days to introduce the appropriate changes.
To remind the reader, since January 2015 a unified working license has appeared in Russia, which gives the right to citizens of visa-free countries to work in Russia.