The KNAUF company has started the production of the first dry filler mix in Russia on the basis of polymer binder.
As the company press office told, the main characteristics of the new material are minimal shrinkage, absence of crumbling while dressing and extreme plaster application life of 72 hours. The new polymer filling is produced in St. Petersburg.
It is used for finishing concrete surfaces, drywalls and gypsum-fiber sheets, plaster and cement facings, and getting the surface ready for painting, wall-paper, etc. The mixture perfectly combines with other company’s products, including plaster KNAUF-Rotband.
The filler KNAUF Polymer Finish is highly adhesive, ideally plastic and cracking resistant. It fits for 0.5 – 4 mm thick surfaces smoothing, and is very small-grained (5 cm on average). That’s why there is no powdering of the surface. After mixing with water it keeps its operational performance during 72 hours.
Thus, finishers will be able to work with the once-prepared mixture for some days. The mixture is 20 kg bagged, which is convenient for the customers, according to the company’s calculations. The mixture coverage rate is 1.2 kg for a square meter with 1 mm coverage thickness.