At present, the Kerch Bridge builders have fulfilled an annual plan for pillars construction at this enormous passage, the “Crimean Bridge” press center told Construction.RU on Tuesday.
This statement was made yesterday at a meeting held at the construction site with the participation of representatives from Glavgosexpertiza Federal Autonomous Institution, Moscow government, largest construction companies and banks.
The goal was attained by means of efficient organization of production, quality control system and balanced scheme of the object’s financial clearing. Now, out of 595 pillars envisaged by the project 154 are ready and 140 more are under construction.
According to project director of Saint Petersburg Giprostrimost Institute, Oleg Skorik, the pillars foundations are being created in the water area with the help of specially developed complexes.
One of the key tasks for the first year of the Kerch Bridge construction is mounting of the pillars’ piled foundations. The project provides for landing of more than 7,000 piles to a depth of between 12 and 90 meters. This includes approximately 5,500 tubular piles with a diameter of 1420 mm.
At present, over 2,900 piles have been landed. In September, despite deterioration of weather condition, the best performance was attained: 339 tubular piles had been landed.