US Minister of construction Ben Carson: why does Trump authorise a person from a different sphere to command construction?

US Minister of construction Ben Carson: why does Trump authorise a person from a different sphere to command construction?
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Ben Carson is undoubtedly a highly gifted person. He is very famous in the USA: an Afro-American of humble parentage with extreme religious commitment, who has achieved outstanding success in neurosurgery and become a great figure worldwide in this sphere! It is not by chance that Carson was Donald Trump’s first serious competitor in the presidential elections of 2016, claiming for the post of the Head of the White House.

But nothing (except for a surprisingly great number of Mr Carson’s positive characteristics) may describe or qualify him as Minister of Housing Construction and Urban Development of the US Government, which he agreed to take).

US Minister of construction Ben Carson: why does Trump authorise a person from a different sphere to command construction?

So, why Carson? Why not anybody else having adequate education and practical experience? There are lots of such people in Trump’s (who has dealt with urban development all his life) inner circle!

The answer to the question may lie in Carson’s life — the life of a self-made man who has built an incredible career synonymic of the implementation of the “American dream”, but for Afro-Americans.

From Detroit to Yale

Nothing in young, born in the beginning of the 1950s, Ben Carson’s life pre-signified his future great success. He studied in an offhand way at primary school, and his classmates hung the name of ‘Dummy’ on him. His single mum had several sons and was illiterate.

Arriving from a problem family and a problem district of Detroit, a criminal future seemed to be the only option for Ben. Once there was even a case when Ben knifed a boy in a street row. Luckily, the knife went into a metal belt buckle and the future neurosurgeon and minister of construction became so frightened that he immediately began to believe in God… and to his mother, who had said over and over again, that the one who is steady in his purpose will sooner or later reach his aim.

In senior school Ben was an exemplary student, having decided to become a doctor. He easily entered Yale University’s psychology department and then continued his studies in the medical department of Michigan University.

At the age of 26 he started his practice at the Baltimore academic hospital and was highly appreciated as a professional.

US Minister of construction Ben Carson: why does Trump authorise a person from a different sphere to command construction?


Thus, a pen-knife turned into a bistoury, his mother’s advice became a watchword, and his trust in God turned into a shining beacon. As Carson himself confessed, all his life he had prayed long before each surgery. Especially the one which made him famous all over the world…

Gifted Hands

At the age of 36, 10 years after he started his practice, Ben Carson preformed the first surgery in the world separating Siamese headed twins. It lasted for about 24 hours, and almost 70 surgeons under Carson’s supervision took part in it. And Patrick and Benjamin, the twins themselves, will celebrate their 30th anniversary next year.

Later, in the 1990s Ben Carson wrote his memoir, “Gifted Hands”, and then a film was shot). 10 years later, Carson repeated this delicate operation and twins from Zambia owe it to him that they are alive. 

US Minister of construction Ben Carson: why does Trump authorise a person from a different sphere to command construction?


Carson’s successful career in neurosurgery lasted until 2013, despite cancer having been diagnosed 5 years earlier. Fortunately, the illness was detected at an early stage, and due to the prompt actions of oncology specialists it was negated.


Also in 2013, Ben Carson, having written 5 books by that time, started active political activities and entered the Republican party. He sharply criticised Barak Obama’s policy. Then he expressed his negative attitude towards same-sex marriages and abortions, and complained about the lack of both a healthy lifestyle and the promotion of Christian values.

By 2015 Benjamin had published two more books and announced his bid to run for the US presidency. The motto of his election campaign was to “Heal, Inspire, Revive”. But then he passed the votes of his electorate to Donald Trump and, after his victory, received a post in the new Cabinet of Ministers.

So, why Carson? Trump and his circle do not seem to be so light-minded as to be able to give such an important post in the government as a present, in a sphere where the new president-elect feels most comfortable, even as a courtesy for Carson’s having supported Trump’s candidacy.

US Minister of construction Ben Carson: why does Trump authorise a person from a different sphere to command construction?


The new president joyfully but shortly tweeted about the new appointment and remarked somewhere that he had more than once discussed the urban development policy with Carson, and that the latter had reasonable ideas. That’s the only “key to the puzzle”. 

Moreover, it is difficult to understand as Carson refused to take an earlier proposal for him as the Health Minister in Trump’s government. A neurosurgeon would look more suitable in this sphere than as a constructor. Why did he do it? Not for the sake of broadening his horizons, surely?

The show must go on!

It is much more probable that Trump needs a person with a spotless reputation who has had nothing to do with the sphere where the new US President is considered to be king.

Trump’s appointments have always been called disputable but intriguing. And it should be remarked that it is not surprising that Ben Carson is on the list. There are a lot of millionaires and people who have had no management experience.

Trump seems to follow special and unexpected tactics.

The “Candidate” show seems to go on, in both the new format and globally.

Alexei GARIN

