Evgeny NOSOV, the RF Ministry of transport
The creation of a modern road network is, on the one hand, the active use of innovations and, on the other, compliance with international standards. The modernisation and economic development of the road network in Russia has been worked upon since 2008, which is when the RF strategy for transportation system development for the period until 2030 was adopted.
Its priority is the provision of security and observing the ecological regulations of road construction. It is necessary to take the economic factor into account, meaning the significant cost of basic road construction materials and highly-productive equipment.
One of the tasks the Government is responsible for is that the quality of the road construction for the inter-maintenance period must increase to 12 years
Additionally, the regulations concerning freight transport have changed, with the load per axle having been increased to 11.5 tons. Respectively, the requirements concerning the quality of the roads have increased. Meanwhile, last year we were tasked to decrease the normative standard for pavement maintenance by 5—7%.
The influence of all the above mentioned factors demands the significant reconstruction of the whole public road system on the basis of the innovation development principles. A systematic approach is necessary, including annual planning and reporting the results of the innovation activity, carrying out expert examination and the evaluation of the technologies’ application efficiency.
It is also necessary to update technical regulations in the innovation sphere: to develop a large number of methodological documents regulating the use of up-to-date road technologies, equipment and materials.
As a reminder, since 2011 we have been working on amendments to RF Government Regulation №539, «On cost standards for repair and maintenance of federal roads…», and it is very arduous. We had to survive two transition periods whereby the last of which finished on September 1st, 2016, when the Program of inter-state standards of the Customs Union, consisting of 171 standards, was adopted. It is the basis for the development of national standards of the public road system.
Besides this, we were awaiting the decision regarding which document should be considered priority for the Road Code: Federal Law 184-ФЗ on technical regulation or the Technical regulation of the Customs Union. It was quite evident to us that the technical regulation’s position as an international document is of more importance than the federal law. This was then confirmed at the highest level when on September 15th, 2016, at a State Council sitting, the decision was adopted.
Presently, the RF Transportation Ministry and the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities are responsible for preparing a road map for the provision of this priority with normative-technical and legal documents. The plan of our work was introduced to the Government and now is being adopted.
The first issue of the plan is to develop the standardisation program. National standards are to be developed in addition to those 171 international ones for the types of activities, materials and tests which are not included in the list of inter-state standards.
I think that the development of these documents should be carried out in close contact with the scientific community, industry scientific research institute and Federal Road Agency, and The Moscow State Automobile & Road Technical University.
The work is to be completed in the first quarter of 2017.