Russia and Austria have agreed to work jointly to promote the “Northern Stream” pipeline construction, which is advantageous both for the Russian Federation and for Europe. This is what the Minister of Economic Development, Alexei Ulyukayev, told reporters today in Moscow on the results of the meeting with the Vice-Chancellor, the Minister of Science, Research and Economy of Austria, Reinhold Mitterlehner.
According to the Russian Minister, the meeting was also attended by the head of the Austrian OMV gas company, which is involved in the project. In the course of the negotiations, the participants expressed a mutual desire to promote this project, which will increase the energy security level in Europe.
To remind you, within the framework of the “Northern Stream-2” project, two pipelines, with a total capacity of 55 billion cubic meters of gas per year, will be built from the coast of the Russian Federation, via the Baltic Sea, to Germany.
On December 18th the Federal Antimonopoly Authority of Germany (Bundeskartellamt) approved the establishment of a joint venture, “Northern stream-2”. Gazprom will own 50%, and BASF, E. ON, Engie, OMV, and Shell will each own 10%.
Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia had previously sent Brussels a joint letter criticizing the construction of the “Nord stream-2”. According to these countries’ governments, the project implementation may increase Europe’s dependence on gas from Russia, severely undermine the energy security of the countries of Central Europe and the EU as a whole, and lead to a further destabilization of the situation in Ukraine.