Logistics center for goods from Uzbekistan to be built near Orenburg

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Logistics center for goods from Uzbekistan to be built near Orenburg
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A wholesale and distribution center for fruit and vegetable products from Uzbekistan is planned to be built in the Orenburg region, Russia, the press office of the Republican Foreign Trade Ministry reports on Thursday.

According to the Ministry’s press office, earlier, the delegation of Uzbekistan visited the Orenburg region to hold negotiations with the regional leadership on the development of cooperation and implementation of joint projects.

“At the meeting, the parties discussed the possibility of the establishment in the territory of the Orenburg region of a joint logistics hub — a wholesale and distribution center — intended for fruit and vegetable products for their further sale throughout the Russian Federation”, the report said.

Governor of the Orenburg region, Yuri Berg, proposed to build the wholesale and distribution center in the Akbulak region, where the required infrastructure is available, the Ministry of Foreign Trade specified.

“We are particularly interested in expanding foreign economic relations with our strategic partners in the Central Asian region, primarily with the Republic of Uzbekistan”, Mr. Berg was quoted by the Ministry's press office as saying.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Trade, in 2017, the volume of mutual trade between the Orenburg region and Uzbekistan amounted to $210,2 million, while in the first half of 2018, this figure was $191 million. Positive dynamics of turnover is ensured by the supply of fuel and energy products to Uzbekistan and Russian imports of fruit and knitted fabric.

