To subsidize the credit rate for investment in housing and communal services, the Government of the Russian Federation plans to give 4 billion rubles to the Ministry of Construction and Housing Utilities, announced Mikhail Menn at the forum ‘Housing 2015’.He also reported that within the anti-crisis plan framework, the Government has developed the relevant document. This is very important, as with today's level of bank credit interest rates, it is almost impossible to invest in housing and communal services. However, the volume of realized investment programs in housing and communal services now exceeds 300 billion rubles; the total requirements of the sector are 500 billion rubles a year. Therefore, all necessary standard and legal bases for the creation of a favorable and attractive investment climate for investments in housing and communal services in the country have already been prepared. And if in 2014 112 concessions were concluded, there are currently more than 400 investment competitions.