Mosinzhproyekt JSC is searching for a contractor to build Philharmonic Hall on the territory of “Zharadye” Park, which is under construction in center of Moscow, as it is follows from the documents published on a website of public purchases.
According to the available information, invitation to tender was announced “for the right to conclude a contract for carrying out a range of general construction works at a site “Concert Hall of Philharmonic Music accounted for 1500 seats” located at the address of Varvarka Street, 6.
Initial (maximum) price of the contract totals 2,159 bln roubles.
Bidding applications can be submitted until the 19th of October, their processing is scheduled for the 20th of October, the tender results are to be announced on the 27th of October.
As a reference, “Zharadye” Park is being constructed in the vicinity to Kremlin, on the site of the demolished “Rossiya” hotel and is planned to be completed by 2017. The project funded from the budget cost over 13 bln roubles.