The tender for the execution of work on the development of the presidential military school in Kyzyl (Tuva) for the additional training of cadets and pupils was declared by the Head of the JSC Department for the Arrangement of Troops, it was reported today on the government purchases website.
An initial fee of 2.52 billion rubles was reported. According to this technical project, it will be required of the contractor to provide an increase in the available land from 16 to 26 hectares for the placement of a hotel, a residential zone, part of an autodrome and a horse-racing complex. Also necessary will be the construction of a dining room, two sleeping areas, sports and educational blocks, four cottages for the school management with a total area of 400 sq.m, a garage for 8 cars, an autodrome zone with a route for go-karting, the building of a car repair shop and a gallery for archery. It will be certainly necessary to improve, garden and protect the 45 thousand sq.m. territory. The tender is in the form of purchase with only one supplier. Works have to be finished before August 28th, 2016.