Under a court order, the property of Hit??hi ??w?r ???ls N?th?rl?nds ?.v. ?itachi Ltd. in Russia has been seized for debt repayment.
As Construction.ru was told by the press office of the Federal Bailiff Service Department in Moscow, the company’s tax bill has reached 59m rubles. Consolidated enforcement proceedings against the debtor, ?it??hi ??w?r ???ls N?th?rl?nds ?.v., have been initiated. Company representatives knew about this but did not take measures in time, thus the property and real estate of the debtor has been seized. Because of the implementation document default on receivables, a 7% execution fee will be collected, so the debt of ?it??hi ??w?r ???ls N?th?rl?nds ?.v. is now more than 63m rubles.