The cost of future construction contracts for Russian companies in Mongolia may reach $1 bln.
This was the result of the first sitting of the Russian/Mongolian work group on construction issues in Ulan-Bator on November 27th. The Deputy Minister of Construction, Housing and Utilities, Andrei Chibis, took part in it.
The ministry’s press office stressed that the Government of Mongolia has announced a tender for the creation of a concession on the updating of treatment facilities in Ulan-Bator. According to Andrei Chibis, Morton GC will take part in the tender as part of the agreements made.
“We hope that it will be a Russian company which gets the right to update the treatment facilities built by Soviet constructors. This will be the first large-scale project implemented as part of the Russian/Mongolian work group’s activities”, the Deputy Minister said.
The Mongolian party expressed their interest in Morton GC’s participating in the construction of the ‘Yarmaag’ housing complex, the implementation of the ‘Arrow’ (‘Strela’) transportation system project, and the creation of a beltway round Ulan-Bator. According to expert assessments, the Mongolian market is a very good prospect for housing construction development - about 40% of all investments are in this sphere.
At present, the priority program is the replanning of urban teepee districts, where more than half of the population of the country’s capital live.
Besides this, within the work group’s sitting, the parties agreed on scientific research and technology cooperation, utilizing the help of Russian specialists in the sphere of urban policy, remote education and training of employees, and legislative activity.
“The Mongolian party highly appreciates Russia’s help with and contribution to the construction work in Mongolia as part of long-term cooperation and friendship between the two countries”, stressed Sandagom Magnaysuran, State Secretary of the Ministry of Construction and Urban Development of Mongolia, and the chairman of the sitting. The next sitting of the work group on construction issues is planned for the first quarter of 2016.