The project on building a system of processing and disposal of municipal solid waste in Arctic Circle has passed state environmental and construction expertise.
Start of the construction activities is scheduled for the second quarter of this year and should be completed by the end of 2017, Corporation of Murmansk Region Development reports.
The plant construction is carried out in the framework of the concession agreement between CJSC Waste Management and the government of the Murmansk region.
Under the concession agreement, the facility will include a solid waste landfill with capacity of 250,000 tons per year, waste sorting complex with capacity of 180,000 tons per year and 4 transfer stations with a total capacity of 70,000 tons per year.
The project, which is to be implemented in the Russian region of Murmansk, is unique in many ways because of the climate and territory. This is probably the only project in the world with not only a modern landfill for waste processing and disposal in the Arctic circle, but also with a waste recycling plant built there.