Russian developer obtains license to build skyscrapers near Paris

Russian developer obtains license to build skyscrapers near Paris
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Residents of a number of houses in Paris suburb of La Défense granted permission to demolish their homes and start the construction of two skyscrapers by Hermitage Group founded by a Russia-born real estate developer Emin Iskenderov, Le Figaro reports.

During a meeting, the members of the local Trade Unions Association and owners of apartments in multi-storey residential buildings, which have to be demolished in accordance with Hermitage project, unanimously approved a protocol lifting a ban on the demolition of these buildings.

“The matter concerns a significant stage in implementation of the construction of our skyscrapers, because the final permission will allow to start the demolition in 2017”, — the company’s message reads.

The Hermitage Plaza project involving the construction of two skyscrapers in a business suburb of Paris, La Défense, was unveiled in 2007. As Emin Iskenderov previously said, the idea of the project belonged to the former head of Mirax Group and his former business partner, Sergei Polonsky.

A famous British architect Norman Foster develops the project of Hermitage Plaza, which implies two 320-meter skyscrapers (4 meter lower than Eiffel Tower) and four buildings of a smaller size. Hermitage Plaza will house luxury residences, offices, hotels and shopping centers. Estimated investment in the construction will total €2.8 billion.

The start of the construction has been postponed so far due to numerous lawsuits. So, in 2011, residents of the houses subject to demolition during the construction, attained a judicial decision prohibiting a demolition of the buildings, since there was no unanimous approval.

