Egyptian authorities said on Sunday that the construction of the country's first NPP will begin in the next two or two and a half years, Reuters reports.
The construction of a nuclear power plant with a capacity of 4,800 MW will be carried out by Russia. The project provides for the creation of four power units with VVER-1200 reactors. The facility, which will be located in El-Dabaa in the north of Egypt, is planned to be put into operation by 2026, a source in the Egyptian Ministry of Energy and Electricity told Reuters.
In 2015, Moscow and Cairo signed a deal on building an NPP in Egypt, with Russia providing a loan to the Egyptian side to cover construction costs.
Previously, the official Egyptian media reported that the loan would cover 85% of the cost of each contract for the performance of work, provision of services and the supply of equipment. Egypt will finance the remaining 15% of the facility’s cost of construction.