Swedish investors intend to erect a waste processing plant in the Kirov region, the construction of which may begin in 2019.
This was announced on Monday by Director at the company Kassin & Partners, Oleg Kassin, who advises investors.
“Investors from Sweden, including the head of the Swedish transnational company EcoSaver, Nils Winklerfelt, visited Kirov. They are interested in deep garbage recycling for the purpose of selling the products released at the future plant in European markets. The construction is scheduled to begin in 2019,” Kassin said.
As said by the interlocutor, businessmen are considering several sites for the location of the enterprise, as well as are planning a meeting with government officials. The regional Ministry of Energy, Utilities, and Housing has confirmed the plans to meet with Swedish investors.
“The issue of holding a working meeting between the executive authorities and the Swedish investor EcoSaver is under consideration”, the Minister of Energy, Utilities, and Housing of the region, Nikolay Malkov, told TASS news agency on Monday. He explained that by law the construction of such infrastructure facilities is possible in accordance with the territorial scheme for handling waste, however, the scheme approved by the Kirov region’s authorities on December 15, 2016, does not provide for the construction of waste processing plants.