About 323 billion rubles ($4,8 billion) is included in a draft budget of the Russian Federation for 2019 to implement a plan for modernization and expansion of the country’s main infrastructure.
This was announced by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev at a meeting of the Presidential Council for strategic development and national projects. He stressed that infrastructure was a key factor in the country's development. According to Medvedev, the length of highways for one million people in Russia amounts to 5 kilometers, while in Germany this figure amounts to 38 kilometers, in China — 16 kilometers, and in Turkey — 9 kilometers.
“One of the main reasons is the lack of investment, the underdevelopment of public-private partnership in this area, and therefore we will, according to the decree, develop West-East and North-South transport corridors, expand railway, road, aviation, sea, and river infrastructure. It is important that this plan is linked to national projects, in particular, those on international cooperation and safe and high-quality roads”, the Prime Minister said.
“The draft federal budget for next year includes about 323 billion rubles intended for a comprehensive plan for modernization and expansion of the main infrastructure,” Medvedev added.