What is hidden in the law “about the territories of the advancing social and economic development” that launched today in Russia

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What is hidden in the law “about the territories of the advancing social and economic development” that launched today in Russia
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Today the new law “About the territories of the advancing social and economic development (TAD) in the Russian Federation" went into effect.

We remind you that TAD are created to last for a period of 70 years, which if necessary can be extended. Investment projects in the Far East in 2016-2017 will receive 23 billion rubles from the federal budget and 180 billion rubles in private investment. The first three drafts (TAD), two in the Khabarovsk region and one in the Primorsky region, are already taken.
In total, the Ministry of Eastern Development RF received 15 such applications. The law on (TAD) allows for the forced confiscation of land and/or the real estate objects located on them, as well as other property in order to accommodate the TAD infrastructure.
Subsidies will be provided to compensate for interest rates on loans taken by investors for infrastructure construction - up to 100% of the refinancing rate - as well as the use of other funding mechanisms. For entrepreneurs, TAD will establish privileges on rent, taxes, and a special regime of state and municipal control.

