Moscow, the Government of the Russian Federation. Our correspondent, Alexey Nevsky. Here on April 9th at a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, a discussion was held on a package of measures on the resettlement of citizens from hazardous housing. The main report on this question was given by the Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation, Mikhail Menn. In this report he discussed for the first time the data on the resettlement of citizens from hazardous dwellings for the first three months of this year. Since January 1st, 7,430 people have been moved already and 148,000 sq.m. of emergency houses has been liquidated. The minister highlighted construction quality control. For this purpose, 122 outside inspections in 35 regions were made. In total, about 3 million sq.m. of hazardous dwellings were settled and 191,860 people resettled in 2014. As a solution to the question of the quality of new-built housing, it is planned to make it obligatory to obtain admission to the Self-Regulating Organization for design and construction of low-rise housing. As additional resources, after a decrease in the average level of joint financing in the regions to 41.5% for housing and communal services, the Fund will direct 6.6 billion rubles to citizens of the Federation. Also this year, changes are planned to Federal Law regarding the Housing and Communal Services Fund, having provided that the regions will be able to submit applications for all limits of financing. At the end of the meeting of the government briefing, the head of the Ministry of Construction, Architecture and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation answered a question from our correspondent: how will funding depend on the ruble rate? Mikhail Menn told us that the program of financing from the emergency fund is barely affected by fluctuations of currency rates because construction materials used in houses under construction are 90% made in Russia. In conclusion, the head of Ministry of Construction, Architecture and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation specified that responsibility for the failure of the program will become more targeted. If before this, the regional governments were responsible for everything and faced a possible penalty of 500,000 rubles, now it will be the responsibility of the municipal authorities, who will accrue a penalty for each day of delay or possible failure.
Mikhail Menn has given data on the resettlement of hazardous dwellings for the first time this year