The Government of the Russian Federation has changed the rules on granting subsidies to credit organizations and the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending. As reported to by the press service of the Cabinet of Ministers today, the rules were added with a provision on the possibility of subsidizing credits (loans) issued upon the acquisition of land for the construction of premises. The government specified that the conclusion of contracts of insurance of the premises before registration of the property and personal insurance is not required by the borrower. Besides this, the demand for receiving a subsidy is to be supplemented with information on the subject of the observance of the limit size of the credit (loan) and the accounting of the issued credits (loans) in a territorial section, and also specified that the current rate is to be determined by the contract on the first day of the reporting period by the credit agreement (loan agreement).
The rules on the subsidizing of banks and the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending have been changed