Saratov region. Engels. Our special correspondent Alexei Nevsky. The only Russian plant producing utility-type euro-heaters has begun operations here.
Deputy Chair of Saratov regional Government Valery Saraev, Director General of the plant “Euroradiators” Alexander Umnov, President of “Robert Bosch” Ltd. in Russia Gerhard Pfeifer, regional president of Bosch Petrol Systems in the RF and Director General of “Robert Bosch Saratov ” Ekkart Reilen , Chairman of the Management Board of Bosch Thermotechnology Uwe Glock, Member of the management board of Bosch Thermotechnology Ulrich Schmidt, regional government members and other personalities were present at the official event.
As our correspondent was told by Yury Nechepaev, Director General of “Bosch Thermotechnology” ltd., part of the equipment for the plant was delivered from Germany. There a similar plant had closed. The low primary cost of this plant’s products allows it to be competitive in Russia and the CIS, so they expect good demand.
“The appearance of high quality production corresponding to international standards gives Bosch great prospects for the development of business in Russia,” remarked Director General of the plant Alexander Umnov. “Our plant will produce more than 1000 modifications of the most popular heaters in the Russian market under the Buderus brand.”
Investments in the construction and equipment of the new plant occupying the area of 12,000 square meters totaled 700 million rubles. About 100 high-tech jobs have been created there. The work at the construction site was completed within a year. The plant is situated on the territory of the industrial zone of the former Uritsky plant, which produced trolley-buses. The regional government helped the investors with gas supply (according to Valery Saraev, they’d had problems with it).
Currently the output of Buderus modern steel panel heaters for the Russian market has already started at the plant — the Logatrend K-Profil and Buderus VK-Profil with side and lower connection are being produced. These are reliable, environmentally friendly and energetically efficient devices which can be used in any heating system: in old and new houses, in offices, shops, blocks of flats, or cottages. Additionally, the built-in thermostatic valve makes it possible to save up to 5% of electric power.
“The opening of the new plant will let us enhance production capacity to satisfy the demand for our innovational high quality production. The plant of utility-type euro-heaters is the Bosch Company’s fifth plant in Russia,” Gerhard Pfeifer claimed at the ceremony.