11 modern ranges have been equipped during preparations for the “International Army Games – 2015.”
Chief of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces army general Valery Gerasimov spoke on the topic at the briefing for foreign defense attaches. As he said, 57 teams from 17 states and 20 observer groups from 6 countries of Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America will take part in the International Army Games – 2015. The most representative teams are from China and Belarus.
The program of the Games includes 14 competitions of field, air and marine competence. Chinese military men will take part in 12 competitions, Belorussian – in 9. The Army Games will be held on 11 ranges on the territory of 3 military commands – Western, Southern and Central, from Siberia to Kuban.
13 teams will take part in the competition “Tank biathlon”. This year it will include only 2 stages instead of 5: “Individual race” and “Relay race”.
8 best teams, according to the results of “Individual race,” will take part in semi-final. The competition “Suvorov attack” is organized for infantry combat vehicle crews. It includes driving skills in complex conditions, stream crossing and authorized weapons shooting accuracy.
Pilots from different countries will demonstrate their airplane and helicopter flying skills in the famous competition “Air darts” at the range of Dubrovichi in Ryazan region. All teams will fly their own vehicles.
Airborne units will show off in the competition “Airborne troop”. They are to show their skill in shooting accuracy, landing accuracy, armament handling, physical fitness and teamwork.
Two competitions are organized by the Navy. “Caspian Derby” is the contest for armored personnel vehicle crews in obstacle crossing and shooting. “Caspian Cup” is supposed to test marine skills.
Artillerymen will compete in the contest “Artillery firing experts”. “Experts of air-defense combat” for AA crews, “Open water” and “Safe route” for engineering troops, “Safe environment” for NBC defense troops and other contests are included in the program of “Army Games.”
On the total 279 weapon units, military and special equipment from the RF AF and 158 weapon units from the Chinese People's Liberation Army, 54 aircraft and helicopters of the Air Force of the RF and 17 aircraft of our foreign partners will take part in the event.
In the “Caspian Derby” besides Russian launch vessels guided-missile boats of the Azerbaijanian and Kazakh navies will take part.
Hotels, hostels, recreation rooms, and cafes are equipped for the participants and guests of the event. More than 90 objects were constructed and more than 160 repaired at all 11 ranges. 225 km of roads are reconstructed, all the objects are equipped with vision-based inspection systems and internet connection. Press-centers are deployed at all the ranges.
“Solemn opening and closing ceremonies of the Games will take place at the range of Alabino,” said Valery Gerasimov.