Venezuelan Armed Forces are going to build a range with a race track and obstacles, similar to those in Alabino (Moscow region).
Div Gen Gonzalez Perez Jose Ines, Head of Combat Training Department of Venezuela’s Armed Forces, told journalists about it at military games ArMY-2015 taking place in Russia at present. As he said, there is an idea to build a range not only for tank biathlon but for all kinds of military games, in which they are going to take part.
He reminded that the team of Venezuela took part only in “Tank biathlon” last year. This year they compete in 4 contests: “Suvorov attack”, “Artillery shooting experts”, “Air defense experts” and “Tank biathlon”, and in other competitions as observers. Military men of Venezuela get good experience watching other teams.
Now in Alabino they are making some measurements, studying the plan of the range and obstacle location.