Deputy Minister of Construction, Housing and Utilities, Andrey Chibis, was re-elected as a member of the Committee on Housing and Land Management at the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe.
As the press office of the Construction, Housing and Utilities Ministry told Construction.RU on Friday, re-election procedure took place within the framework of the 77th session of the Committee in Geneva.
“It’s my great honor to continue participation in the Committee’s activity. Re-election became another evidence of the European colleagues’ appreciation of Russian experience. A number of measures, which we have introduced, are acknowledged to be innovative and efficient. The Committee’s members consider them to be useful and interesting for studying,” said Andrey Chibis.
As a reference, next year the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe celebrates its 70-year anniversary. Over this period of time, the Committee on Housing and Land Management has developed and adopted the Geneva UN Charter on Sustainable Housing, to which Russia also adhered.
The main provisions of the document include increase of housing affordability, improvement of water quality for population, ensuring of a high degree of sewage water clearing, wastes utilization, improved environmental protection and energy efficiency of buildings, as well as development of public spaces.