The head of the Russian Federal Air Transport Agency, Alexander Neradko, has inspected the ongoing reconstruction process at an airfield complex in Kamchatka’s capital. The official was extremely unsatisfied with the failure to meet the construction work deadlines.
As was told by the press office of the regional government, the head of the Agency demanded that the contractor urgently complete the work of laying the communication and energy supply lines to all radio engineering facilities.
The Federal Special Construction Agency of Russia has to finalize this work by the 5th of April. Moreover, the sub-contractor must complete all installation and start-up work at the radio engineering facilities before the 15th of April, and by the 1st of May they must have received a permit to put the object into operation. By the 30th of May, they must get the closing papers to carry out takeoffs and landings on the runway.
Alexander Neradko has reminded the contractor of the timing of the new runway commissioning. It remains the same – on the 1st of June, the flights from the new runway should begin. But at present, not a single facility is fully finished and the documentation hasn’t been prepared, stressed the head of the Agency.
To remind you, the runway reconstruction and building of the airfield complex will cost 12 bln roubles, to come from the federal budget. The head of the President’s Administration of Russia, Sergey Ivanov, has already criticized the delay in the Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky airport reconstruction, comparing it with the Vostochny Cosmodrome construction.