Foreign investors interested in golf parks building in Russian Far East

Foreign investors interested in golf parks building in Russian Far East
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According to the Investment Agency, there is an increased interest among the potential investors towards the tourism sector in Primorye, a Russian province located in the Far Eastern District of the country. This conclusion was made following a number of meetings between the Agency’s representatives and foreign delegates.

As the Agency director, Anton Rodionov, put it, the growth in demand for that industry is due to an increase of tourists flow from the countries of the Asia-Pacific Region.

“Over the course of the first quarter, the number of foreign citizens visiting Primorye for the tourist purpose has grown by 80% compared with the similar period last year. In terms of culture and architecture, the Primorsky region represents a sort of Europe within Asia. Besides of that, there is a wonderful weather in the region, as well as great opportunities for development”, - said Rodionov.

Foreign investors show most interest in the construction of “Primorskoye Ring” tourist complex, hotels and golf parks. In particular, entrepreneurs from China and South Korea have already examined potential sites for the construction of such facilities.

