Thailand begins construction of high-speed railways

Thailand begins construction of high-speed railways
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This June, Thailand and China will sign an agreement on the construction of high-speed railways running from Bangkok to the Thai province of Nakhon Ratchasima, the press office of the Transport Ministry of Thailand said.

The project worth about 180 billion baht ($5.2 billion) will be part of the plan for the construction of a railway linking Thailand with China via Laos. As a result, for the first time, a high-speed railway will appear in Thailand, Bloomberg reports.

The Thai party will undertake the financing and construction, while China will be responsible for the design and rail transportation. Beijing is involved in the project within the framework of the “One Belt, One Road” initiative aimed at strengthening trade relations with neighboring countries.

Thai authorities are considering the possibility of building a railway that will connect Bangkok with Northern Thailand. This project will be implemented with the support of Japan.

