There should be a step-by-step transition to information modeling in the construction industry, said the head of the State Expert Evaluation Department of the Russian Federation, Igor Manylov.
According to him, at present, there has been work on applying BIM-technologies in the construction complex.
“I think that by July 1, there will be a full understanding of how we can improve the information modeling and make it more modern, I think that there needs to be a sort of transition. Now we are working with paper design estimates or their electronic copies, and then we suddenly, from July 1 or January 1, we switch to modeling. Most likely, there will be a transition period”, Manylov said.
By July 1, 2019, there will be a clear understanding of the duration of this transition period, he explained. At the same time, most expert organizations and designers, including those from Kazakhstan and Belarus, are already working with the information modeling.
BIM-technologies (Building Information Modeling) is an approach to designing, erecting, operating and repairing a building in which, through the information model, all phases of the building's lifecycle are managed through the collection and integrated processing of all architectural, engineering, technological, economic, operational information on the building in a single information environment (BIM-model).