On the 29th of June, the forth intellectual game for architects and urban planners titled “Young Talents of Construction Industry” took place in Moscow.
This time the event was held within the framework of the international exhibition “Industry of Stone. Mining, Processing, and Use” at the All-Union Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy (VDNKh). The organizer is Construction.RU online journal.
The St. Petersburg company Kontekh engaged in conversion technologies acts as a sponsor of these architectural battles.
Two teams were competing at the fourth Arch Battle: a team “Vsyo Po GOSTu” (All According to State Standards) and a team of urban planners. Both are students from Moscow State University of Civil Engineering. The theme of the game was the use of stone in architecture and landscape architecture.
As our special correspondent Elena Matseyko reported from the ground, participants were asked to answer a question about the advantages of natural and artificial stone, tell about the methods of installation of ventilated facades based on stone materials and other questions in this field.
In addition, the teams dealt with issues of landscape architecture: What solutions with the use of stone allow to create a quality urban environment? How to measure insolation? Is it possible to use BIM in landscape design, or is this technology only suitable for large construction projects?
The most exciting was that part of the game where future urban planners were asked about Moscow’s architecture.
As it turned out, the participants did not know well the names of authors of such landmark buildings, as a famous Ukraine hotel, for example.
According to most of those attended the event, the game was successful. There was a fighting stance, desire to win. It was interesting. Many of the visitors noted a competitive nature of those architectural battles.
This also was emphasized by president of jury, an architect Yuri Vissarionov, as well as a representative and expert of the game, Yulia Zhelnina (LLC Kontekh research and manufacturing complex).
Following the results of 10 contests, the team of urban planners was recognized the stronger. It won 38,1 against 35.9 received by “Vsyo Po GOSTu”. The winners were awarded with money certificates and gifts from sponsors.