On the 29th of March, the 19th Moscow International Invention and Innovation Show, “Archimedes-2016”, opened in the capital of Russia.
The scientists from the Military Academy of Logistical Support named after A. V. Khrulev presented a portable road bridge, made out of polymer composite material (ARM-K).
As the Academy director, Lieutenant General Vladimir Ivanovsky, told reporters, the bridge has been called an “invisible bridge”, for its specific qualities.
ARM-K is intended for the erection of new road bridges and the reconstruction of demolished ones in a short period of time. The bridge’s components are polymer composite materials, which allow for a significantly reduction in the level of ferry radar signatures, the gross weight, and for an improvement in its carrying capacity.
To remind you, the “Archimedes” show has been held since 1998 and hosts leading inventors from Russia and other countries.