The Tambov region has become the first region in the RF to have completed the licensing of management companies of multi-storey blocks of flats.
As the Ministry of Construction press service told, the Minister of Construction and Utilities, Mikhail Menn, announced this at the meeting of the Ministry’s Public Council on April 14th, with Sergei Stepashin as Chairman. There were 61 management companies in the Tambov region at the beginning of the year. 57 of them chose to receive a license, while others left the market.
The whole housing fund is now being distributed between the management companies which have received the license according to the law. All houses are included.
Currently, about 12,000 management companies are in the process of getting a license. The result of the program will be the creation of a uniform catalogue of the organizations having received permission to work and the houses they have the right to manage.