Russia might hold a significantly better position in Doing Business rating created by World Bank, Russian Minister of Construction, Housing and Utilities Mikhail Menn told reporters today in Moscow.
According to him, the reason is that over the course of the next year, the amendments into the relative legislation will come into effect.
By the way, from the moment of establishment of Russian Construction Ministry, the country managed to progress by 63 positions in the rating’s section regarding construction permits issuance.
At present, Russia holds 40th position in Doing Business 2017 rating by World Bank and International Financial Corporation. Last year, it held the 51st position.
As a reference, Doing Business report has been compiled for the 14th time on a basis of indicators provided by 190 countries. It examines business regulatory standards over the course of the full operation cycle, including establishment of the enterprise, its operation, foreign trade activity, tax remission and the level of protection of investors’ rights.