The selection of a site for a pulp and paper mill worth $1.1 bln is being worked on by the authorities of the Khabarovsk region. The investor is the “Monolog” company (state corporation “Amursky Zori”) owned by Sambell Mesropyan.
As was told by the regional press office, this project will be implemented at the “Komsomolsk” platform in Amursk city.
Its residents are subsidiaries of the “RFP Group” holding “Amur Timber Industry” LLC and “Amur Industrial Center” JSC. A high-powered Center for Substantial Timber Transformation is to be created there.
In terms of applied technology, the new mill will be unique in Russia. After having reached project capacity, the enterprise will produce 500,000 tons of dissolving pulp and 15,000 tons of crude tall oil per year.
It’s noteworthy that for this purpose, semi-subsistence timber and forest products will be used. More than 1,800 high-tech jobs will be created in the integrated plant.
The product will be exported to Asian and European countries and supplied to the Russian market. Section construction, assembling and the engineering set-up of the pulp and paper mill are to be completed by 2019.
The basic raw materials for cellulose production are to be supplied nearby from the Amur and Komsomolsk regions.