The investment amount in the real estate market of Russia has risen in the first half of the year by 46% and reached $1,57 bln, the statement of JLL consulting company says.
“By the projections of JLL experts, the investment amount in the Russian real estate market might reach $4 bln in 2016, having increased by 74% compared to the previous year” – says the document.
According to the company’s estimates, in the second quarter of 2016, the volume of investment transactions on the real estate market of Russia amounts to $565 m, what is equivalent to the figures of the same period last year – $578 m.
Investors continue to focus on Moscow market: a portion of Moscow objects in the total amount of transactions in the second quarter makes up 67% compared to 75% a year ago. Saint Petersburg portion in the transactions amount has decreased from 9% in April-July 2016 to 2% in the similar period in 2015.
A portion of investment transaction on the real estate market increased up to a record high and amounts 45%, due to sound liquidity of this segment’s objects compared with commercial real estate.